Whoa...still have to battle for one week, during the exam season, you can sense the power of exam, how it can influence every candidate’s life. Most people’s lifestyle will change entirely, we’ll do things we won’t do normally, and the most important thing is that we’ll give up doing things which we’ll normally do. The probability of me reading newspapers or story books decrease to almost <10% out of 100 during exam time, I just don’t have the mood to read even the interesting fiction or watch my favourite movie. I just want this season to be over faster. This semester’s going to end soon though. I’ve learned to enjoy life entirely as a student boarding outside home finally starting this semester and this semester seems to end a bit too fast for me. My ability to adapt to a new environment here is just so poor that I just really really start to settle myself comfortably this semester.
Hope this weekend will be a beautiful weekend.
If you fall, I will be there
There's always "somebody" to be there for you whenever you fall :)
11 years ago